Millside Spencer Academy
North Notts Civils are completing the groundworks for a 315-place primary school off Rempstone Road , East Leake. It will also feature a 26-place nursery.
Future students of the school are currently being taught at the Temporary Learning Village adjacent to the development. Also constructed by North Notts.
The works package includes; all foundations, floor construction, external hard surfacing and play areas, car park, muga pitch, trim trail and foul and storm drainage.
A Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS), was installed on site. To channel surface water to two attenuation tanks, before releasing to nearby watercourses. This included the lining of hardstanding areas with a impermeable geomembrane. The above and welding of said membrane was carried out by North Notts'.
Morgan Sindall are the main contractor for this project.